Well… today is our last day in Cambodia! Crazy! 1/3 of the race is over. Cambodia has been a sweet time. There has been so much growth within me and in my team. I’ve experienced and talked to God in ways I didn’t know possible! I stepped out in boldness, witnessed miracles, saw growth in others. Cambodia helped me be really uncomfortable.
Tomorrow morning we step onto a plane and head to Ethiopia for 3 months! I am super excited to see what the Lord has for me in Africa.
But, while I’m still in the Bode, I want to just share something I wrote in my notebook a few days ago. It’s about all of the things that make Cambodia, and my time in Cambodia so sweet!
- Lucky super market!
- Mr. Sam our tuk tuk driver
- Getting momentum to get up the big hill on our bikes each morning
- Casually passing MONKS on the street
- Seeing a family of 5 fit on a Moto
- Seeing someone on a moto holding up an I.V bag while its attached to the person
- Getting roti
- Going to the movies
- Choosing between Green Mango, Memory or Eden
- Showing up at hospital ministry DRENCHED in sweat
- Walking into Pannasastra and giving all 20 of my kids high fives
- The tuk tuk ride back from the lake where everyone is exaughsted but super filled with good community and there is a BEAUTIFUL sunset
- Seeing my neighbor, Khong, at Pannasastra
- Coming home and playing the ukulele
- Going to the market and having the market ladies RECOGNIZE us!
- Randomly being openly invited to peoples houses
- Laying down on the mats after ministry
- Coffee smith mega noodle 🙂
- Coming home from ministry and being surrounded by gooooood people
- The blue chairs in our house
- Noodle man
- Taylors mat in her room
- Zumba ladies in the park
- our neighbors who have little baby Julian!
- Worship on Sunday nights:)
Those are just a few things of what makes Cambodia Cambodia!
Im super thankful for the 3 months my team and I got to live here!
I ask that you continue to pray for my squad and I as we transition into a new place and culture!