
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Ministry this past month has been very interesting!! there are some highs and lows. 

heres what a typical day looks like:


6:25 am- wake up and get ready 

6:30- breakfast! some of the boys are cooking for us this month! 

7:00- team devo: we have been switching each week and one person leads a book of the bible of their choice

7:15-8:35- we either go to a coffee shop or stay home and spend time with the Lord. i have stayed home most days this past week and it has been really good! he’s been teaching me a lot about his character

9-11- My team and i head to the World Mate Emergency hospital where we either make Christmas cards and handmade paper or we go out into the main wing and play with caregivers and patients. 


a cool story from the hospital: 

  • a really precious time was a few weeks ago when this little girl with a huge face tumor was in the emergency wing while she was waiting for her appointment. so we called her over to the kids table and asked her if she wanted to play jenga with us. her lips we swollen from the tumor so her main caregiver had to ask her and she nodded yes to us! So we started to play and at first she was really timid and didn’t even want to touch the blocks, but as time went on, she warmed up to us and we played jenga for about and hour and a half! When it was time for us to go, i went to go give her a hug, and i i reach my arms out and she timidly stretched her arms out, but as soon as i hugged her she squeezed me so tight! this girl had not gotten a lot of love mostly because of her appearance, so you could tell this hug meant alot to her. it was a super sweet moment


11:15- we head home and have down time before lunch

12:00- lunch time! 

12:30-1:00- quiet devo time. this time is really nice!  i get to spend time in the word and journal! 

1:30-4:45- NEW MINISTRY! I get to teach a kindergarten class at a school called Pannasatra! 

Teaching has been so much fun! There is already a main teacher in the class so im basically just the assistant and help her with what she needs to get done. I read books to the kids, help them color, cut paper, teach letters and numbers, and make relationships! Pannasatra is a Buddhist school so you cant openly talk about Jesus, but I get to love on the kids! 

4:45- head home for the day!

5:00-6:30- down time! I relax and talk to people and usually take a nap:) 

6:30- dinner time!!!

7:30-9: team time!!! 

9:45- i usually head to bed! 


its a very full day but its filled with the spirit! love living here in the bode. only 2 and a half more weeks until we leave for Ethiopia! Crazy times!

