
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well… today is our last day in Cambodia! Crazy! 1/3 of the race is over. Cambodia has been a sweet time. There has been so much growth within me and in my team. I’ve experienced and talked to God in ways I didn’t know possible! I stepped out in boldness, witnessed miracles, saw growth in others. Cambodia helped me be really uncomfortable. 


Tomorrow morning we step onto a plane and head to Ethiopia for 3 months! I am super excited to see what the Lord has for me in Africa. 


But, while I’m still in the Bode, I want to just share something I wrote in my notebook a few days ago. It’s about all of the things that make Cambodia, and my time in Cambodia so sweet!


  1. Lucky super market! 
  2. Mr. Sam our tuk tuk driver
  3. Getting momentum to get up the big hill on our bikes each morning
  4. Casually passing MONKS on the street
  5. Seeing a family of 5 fit on a Moto
  6. Seeing someone on a moto holding up an I.V bag while its attached to the person
  7. Getting roti
  8. Going to the movies
  9. Choosing between Green Mango, Memory or Eden
  10. Showing up at hospital ministry DRENCHED in sweat
  11. Walking into Pannasastra and giving all 20 of my kids high fives
  12. The tuk tuk ride back from the lake where everyone is exaughsted but super filled with good community and there is a BEAUTIFUL sunset
  13. Seeing my neighbor, Khong, at Pannasastra 
  14. Coming home and playing the ukulele 
  15. Going to the market and having the market ladies RECOGNIZE us! 
  16. Randomly being openly invited to peoples houses 
  17. Laying down on the mats after ministry 
  18. Coffee smith mega noodle 🙂
  19. Coming home from ministry and being surrounded by gooooood people
  20. The blue chairs in our house
  21. Noodle man
  22. Taylors mat in her room
  23. Zumba ladies in the park
  24. our neighbors who have little baby Julian! 
  25. Worship on Sunday nights:)


Those are just a few things of what makes Cambodia Cambodia! 

Im super thankful for the 3 months my team and I got to live here! 


I ask that you continue to pray for my squad and I as we transition into a new place and culture! 



